Aurat March


Aurat march is a yearly socio-political demonstration in Pakistani cities. The primary Aurat Walks were started by women's collectives in parallel with the Pakistani #MeToo development on International Women's Day. The primary walk was held on 8 Walk 2018 in Karachi. The walk was supported by the Woman Wellbeing Laborers Affiliation and included agents of a number of women's-rights organizations.

The walk calls for more prominent responsibility for savagery against ladies and bolsters ladies who involvement viciousness and badgering at the hands of security powers, in open spaces, at domestic, and within the working environment.


The era in which we are living in is quite different as the old era. Now the situation gets bit different and due to modernity and necessities of surviving women have to face the society and are on the level of competition of male dominant society. So it’s been quite difficult for women to make their place as a competitor in the society, regardless they are being criticized by their gender (female) that aren’t supreme and are somehow less. So due to these type of scenarios “Aurat March” happened to seek equality as women are also the part of society and the society is incomplete without women. 

But on the other hand the rallies and campaign that are set to march on women’s day are now heading towards some wrong path. The concept is entirely leading to indiscipline, vulgarity, traffic blockage, streets blockage and for entertainment purposes. This thing portrays that there is lack of seriousness and awareness. The way to fight for the right or to raise voice for the specific rights of female gender can be in another sense a peaceful walk, rallies, March that encompasses and are based on Islamic laws and teachings. By this the image of country as well as Islam will spread into a positive way. 

Recently the Aurat March happened and sadly it wasn’t the way to ask for the right or to seek for the right, as mentioned above that the freedom for which the rallies are being organized are for entertainment purposes. We accept that women’s face odd incidents i.e. harassments, murders, acid attacks, black mailing, exploiting etc. We highly condemn these incidents in our society and we encourage women to face and be strong, for their equal rights every kind of campaign and rallies are accepted unless they are exceeding limits, those limits which are mentioned above.


The country in which we live in is still far behind from developed countries. The sight of seeing, thoughts about women needs to be change. Within the circumstances they are free to work, live, enjoy and express. Obviously in the crisis for surviving, women definitely can proceed towards helping out her belongings to grow well. In this case women are not supposed to be bound.


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