
Showing posts from March, 2022


  DEPRESSION / MENTAL HEALTH : Depression can also cause physical symptoms. Depression can make you feel sick and cause symptoms like exhaustion, headaches, and aches and pains. sadness and a loss of interest in things once enjoyed. Depression is just a word but it is deadly in feelings. The trauma from which a person go through is densely horrible. As far as well being is concerned, stress and anxiety finds it's way to the satisfied person. Recently the time period of Covid also resulted in mental health and psychological issues. Individuals even committed suicide too. The death rate increased too. The reasons can be failed relations, financial conditions or some genetic disorders. Stress and anxiety make the person hollow eternally. The heart pumps pain instead of blood in a stressed person body. The smiles are in pain, the body movements are lethargic, the eyes are swollen, starving is considered more. The heart gets dead while being still alive. Mind either gets blank or overth

Aurat March

  INTRODUCTION: Aurat march is a yearly socio-political demonstration in Pakistani cities. The primary Aurat Walks were started by women's collectives in parallel with the Pakistani #MeToo development on International Women's Day. The primary walk was held on 8 Walk 2018 in Karachi. The walk was supported by the Woman Wellbeing Laborers Affiliation and included agents of a number of women's-rights organizations. The walk calls for more prominent responsibility for savagery against ladies and bolsters ladies who involvement viciousness and badgering at the hands of security powers, in open spaces, at domestic, and within the working environment. MAIN CONCEPT: The era in which we are living in is quite different as the old era. Now the situation gets bit different and due to modernity and necessities of surviving women have to face the society and are on the level of competition of male dominant society. So it’s been quite difficult for women to make their place as a competit

My self

  I'm Mujtaba Iqbal (mujju), Media student at Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi. I have many interests i.e. fond of cricket, cycling, also I like to create poetry and content based on rhyming words, fond of music and passionate about practicing different things regarding creativity. I even sing though it may sound still weird but who cares as I like it. As a media student I'll proceed in film making and can easily work on and off screen. I prioritize deepness when comes to thoughts, opinion and suggestion. I'm kind a cool guy with positivism and interprets aspects on a neutral scale .